Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I am looking for a pirate ship for my son for his Birthday which is on December 25th. I would prefer wooden but am open to other suggestions. He will be 7-years-old and is really into pirates. There is one by Plan toys, but that one is geared toward younger children. Please post any suggestions that you have.

Also, the contest. I have a heart friend, Amber, who has been my side kick in helping me start the CHD support group and she had an idea for the Hope entries for the contest I am having. Please post your entry soon so we can see what she had in mind! See below.

Tell me about a certain person's words of encouragement that helped you through a trying time and you could win the Hope ornament below.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. We will be celebrating at home with my family and Carl and I will be cooking.


Valerie said...

When Alexia was about 4 and we were looking forward to her "repair", I never planned anything for the future for fear of jinxing it. Belive me, when I say, we had many scares! She was so sick many times. During hospitalizations, coded many, many times. Doctors would advise me to just "let go", please sign this form for a no-code etc etc. But, I knew I was taking her home! What would have happened had I listened? I did have some supportive professionals. I remember one Doctor in particular who said "You always have Hope". "When you let go of that, you have given up". I cling to that to this day.

Andrea said...

Hi Valerie,
I've been thinking about this contest for a while. I know I have been encouraged by others, but nothing stands out in my head. So I went back to a journal I kept of all the emails we sent out to our family and friends during Drew's first hospitalization and all the encouraging words they sent back. We didn't bring our baby home from the hospital for ten weeks! They were the longest, most exhausting and frustrating ten weeks of my life! And as I looked at the responses of family and friends, it hit me that what really helped me through that time was knowing that so many people loved us, supported us and believed in us. It was the continuing messages of support that really held me up. It was my neighbor making us dinner every Tuesday, people sending us cards and flowers, others taking care of our dogs, friends letting us stay in their home, and prayers on our behalf. One person said, "Being a parent is hard, but I KNOW you can do it." I guess that vote of confidence is what I really needed. Because there were some days that I really didn't think I could do it. But here I am!

Maria said...

hi valerie,
my name is maria and in my beautiful family, my little guy MATTHEW was born with TAPVR (heart defect)...they didn't think he would survive that first day. he had his OH surgery at 8 hours old and was placed on ECMO for his first 5 days...when they took him off to die, what encouraging words could anyone give me? well, my encourengment came within....i remembered a saying that was told to me when i was in college and that was "LET GO AND LET GOD"...back then, i did not truly understand that strong saying but that day, i finally understood and ACCEPTED IT...i let go and LET GOD and told HIM that whatever would happen, i would ACCEPT IT and still LOVE HIM...but i hoped he would keep my child with me still, for a miracle. and HE DID!! and as our journey continued with all the other complications that came with his birth to this day, i follow that saying and i also have another one and that is "GOD WILL ONLY GIVE YOU AS MUCH AS YOU CAN HANDLE"...and today, with my husband deployed to IRAQ for a year, and my newest addition to the family, and me being a "single mom" now for the year, i again, look back at BOTH sayings and take encouragment from the both in knowing that GOD is with me and is ALWAYS BY MY SIDE!!!