Monday, November 19, 2007


My darling daughter continues to excel in school. She is almost done with her AA and will transfer schools to work on her BA. Her thought is still to become a lawyer although she has developed a love for Psychology as well. She and I are buds, enjoying each others company very much.

When she was about 4 and we were looking forward to her "repair", I never planned anything for the future for fear of jinxing it. Belive me, when I say, we had many scares! She was so sick many times. During hospitalizations, coded many, many times. Doctors would advise me to just "let go", please sign this form for a no-code etc etc. But, I knew I was taking her home! What would have happened had I listened? I did have some supportive professionals. I remember one Doctor in particular who said "You always have Hope". "When you let go of that, you have given up". I cling to that to this day.

Tell me about a certain person's words of encouragement that helped you through a trying time and you could win the Hope ornament below.

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